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The Friend Zone
by Abby Jimenez
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This was a cute and mostly funny book, pure chick lit and a good read if you're sitting on the beach or by the pool. Kristen meets Josh and, after an initial clash, there's an obvious connection between the two. He's the best man in an upcoming wedding in which she is the maid of honor, which means they'll be spending a lot of time together. Once she learns of Josh's dreams for the future, she puts up roadblock after roadblock to ensure the relationship doesn't go beyond the superficial. She underestimates Josh, who winds up compassionate and understanding. Close to the end, the book takes a dramatic and sad turn that leave both Josh and Kristen evaluating what's really important in life, which leads to a happier conclusion.

Girl Haven
by Lilah Sturges
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Great graphic novel for middle schoolers, or just anyone who enjoys sweet stories about self discovery. This book follows the members of a small middle school pride club, who get magically transported into magical world where only girls are allowed. When Ash (who has always been called a boy) gets sucked into the world along with the girls, it opens the door to more questions about gender identity and who Ash really is.

The Wisteria Society Of Lady Scoundrels India Holton
by India Holton
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A really unique story told with no shortage of comedy, wit and sarcasm! I loved how this story undercut the patriarchy and misogyny of the Victorian era while still allowing its characters to be unapologetically feminine. (Of course there's a little romance in there as well!) I had no clue what I was getting myself into with this book, but I'm so very glad I picked it up!

Long Way Down
by Jason Reynolds
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A beautifully written story about a tragic event. After witnessing the fatal shooting of his older brother, Will feels he must follow the rules of his neighborhood and seek revenge. Will enters the elevator with a loaded gun to leave his building and kill the man that killed his brother. As the elevator stops at each floor, a deceased member of Will's family or neighborhood enters the elevator to tell their story. A must-read.

The Buy Side A Wall Street Trader's Tale Of Spectacular Excess
by Turney Duff
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This one got a little tiresome by the end, but had its moments.

Educated By Tara Westover
by Educated By Tara Westover
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very interesting and infuriating at the same time.. a true inspiration of advancement

The New Iberia Blues A Dave Robicheaux Novel
by James Lee Burke
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Another thriller by JL Burke! The identity of the killer was a mystery until the end. I love his gritty style of writing and the beautiful, magical descriptions of the Bayou country. It's been fun reading about Dave's daughter as she has grown up through the years of novels.

Interior Chinatown
by Charles Yu
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Yu is a successful television writer (Westworld, etc.) and it shows in this 2020 National Book Award winner for fiction. Written allegorically in a tele-play format, Yu speaks volumes of truth about how Hollywood treats Asian actors, pigeon-holing them in cliched, racist roles. But there is much humor here too -- set on a backdrop of how different generations of an Asian family survive economically and socially in Los Angeles. This novel is fresh, insightful and ever-so-slightly weird in a good way!

Borrowed Time
by Tracy Clark
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This the second book by Tracy Clark about Cassie Raines, a woman PI practicing in Chicago. The first book needed some editing--this second book is tighter and the characters better established. I read a lot of mystery books, so I can usually tell :who dun it: but this one kept me guessing. Fast read.

Big Summer
by Jennifer Weiner
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The book was slow for me, but not a bad book. The title is a play on words because it is based on summer events, but also a plus sized girl. The theme to this book could be; nobody's life is perfect, the way you treat people when you are young may effect the rest of your life or appreciate the life, love and family in your world. Social media plays a main role in this book. Many examples and thoughts to the pros and cons of it are given. There are twists in this book which add to the story, but did not increase pace for me. In my opinion the book's purpose is to convey some life lessons.
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